Despite short-term volatility, history shows markets consistently rise over the longer-term, rewarding disciplined investors who stay the course.
Many business owners start out as sole traders. As a sole trader, you – the business owner – are the business. You have a registered business name, an Australian Business Number (ABN), and if turnover exceeds $75,000 p.a., you are registered for GST, writes Rolf Howard, Managing Partner at Owen Hodge Lawyers.
As you get closer to retirement, you'll start to wind down and want to work less without compromising your lifestyle. That’s where a Transition to Retirement Pension (TRP) could work for you. It could help you through the next stage of life when you’re not quite ready to give up working yet.
By Tony Kaye, Senior Personal Finance Writer, Vanguard Australia
In Australia, there are both ownership and rental opportunities to choose from when deciding on the best retirement living option for you.
A new report has dived into the value of advisers and found that they deliver value of at least 4.4 per cent or more every year to their clients beyond investment-only advice.
My father was a life insurance adviser for 33 years. He told me many things that I think of daily. I’ll share two of them with you.
‘Doc Online’ service that is also available through Best Doctors. This would be a great benefit for whom purchase Critical Illness Cover through MLC, so they can access the Best Doctors Service.
Financial Planning defined as ‘A Process to achieve your financial goals with high returns by minimizing risk’. But what exactly the Financial Planning Process means? Does it means savings & investment or choosing product/ services for investment? Or asset allocation & diversification? How and where to start? I can go on and on. Further, if it is a process then what are the main components of the process? Let’s try to understand this process in simple stages.
“We will continue to make sure our multi-asset portfolios are appropriately positioned to respond to the uncertainties that remain in global markets.” - John Owen - MLC Portfolio Specialist
Well. What to say about that? Yesterday’s fall on the S&P/ASX200 of 4.09 per cent is the worst daily fall since January 2009. Adding to the drama, the Shanghai Composite fell 8.1 per cent and has now lost around 38 per cent since its mid-June peak. Europe and the US followed suit overnight with falls of 3 to 5 per cent
Bad news sells. Newspapers and financial intermediaries profit from fear and volatility, so of course they will foster it. Given the amount of negative press and doom and gloom, I wanted to take this opportunity to share my thoughts.
I’m 62 and receive the minimum income from a superannuation pension investment. I’ve heard the minimum has increased. Do I need to do anything and what options do I have if I don’t need the extra income?
Warwick asks: I’ve heard we can make larger super contributions next year. Should I wait until then?
Jeremy asks: My wife and I are 60 years old, employed full-time and have a jointly owned investment property we’d like to sell. We plan to retire at the end of this financial year. Should we contribute the sale proceeds into superannuation and should we do this before or after we retire?